Digital Strategy

Two Types Of Marketing Consultants For Your Business

May 17, 2024

When you need a marketing consultant

When your business is growing rapidly, or indeed growing at all, there comes a moment when you think you need a separate person to handle your marketing. This is because you, as the business owner, simply can’t handle the volume of tasks that arise to increase your volume and, accordingly, your sales.

Of course, you can hire a marketing agency or hire someone on staff whom you trust for this purpose. Nevertheless, I see that the greatest effect is had by those owners who delegate certain tasks to certain marketing consultants or freelancers. How can one figure this out?How do you determine if this approach is right for you and which type of marketing consultant is the best fit for your business? Here’s a very brief description, of just two types that I see in the market, So, let’s go in order. Below are descriptions of which of them might suit you.

Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant

Strategic Digital Marketing Consultant

Who Needs Them?

For all companies where the business owner already knows that their company is profitable, and perhaps even delegated some responsibilities to an agency or freelancers but still does not have a strategist on staff or within the agency they hire.

Role & Expertise:

Strategic digital marketing consultants typically see the bigger picture as a whole. They keep in mind all channels you have your competitors have all the steps you need to do to sell. Which channel will work better for you in principle, social media or email marketing? If you need both, in which combination? Or perhaps it’s easier just to call your clients and do nothing else because everything else might be too expensive for you. That’s their job – not only to know tools and marketing trends but as well understand your business and your customers build for your business a unique marketing funnel. And one more point here good strategic marketing consultants see all your activities in dollars and cents. That means this pro gives you an overview of what can be fixed and how new connections can be established from someone learning about the existence of your service or product, considering purchasing it, wanting to buy it, buying it, and then recommending you to someone else, but also keeps in numerical money terms.

From 500 AUD. An initial consultation usually takes 2-3 hours. However, considering they also need to prepare for this consultation for 2-3 hours. Please take in mind, that some of strategists estimate for the job to be 50 hours

Niche Digital Marketing Consultant

Niche Digital Marketing Consultant

Who Needs Them?

Ideal for businesses that have a good handle on their overall marketing strategy but are looking to sharpen their focus in a specific digital marketing domain, such as web development, Google Ads, social media, email marketing, or any other specialized area. Whether it’s because they’ve hit a plateau, noticed a decline in a previously successful channel, or simply want to dominate a particular digital space, businesses in need of detailed, focused improvement will find great value in a Niche Digital Marketing Consultant.

Role & Expertise:

Ideal Niche Digital Marketing Consultants are the deep divers and detail-obsessives of the digital marketing world. They are in a specific aspect of digital marketing— optimizing your SEO strategy, crafting email marketing campaigns, mastering pay-per-click advertising, or elevating your social media presence (and inside every niche, you will find dozens of specializations). Their must-know trends, the latest techniques and tools, however, they should be able to tailor their strategies to your unique business’s needs and goals.


From AUD 20 (on UpWork or Fevrr) I have found decent professionals for AUD10, but their English were quite hard to communicate.

Okay… Who We Are?

we are more about the Strategic Approach in Digital marketing. On the one hand, we can build a marketing system for any business, but like every human I have preference. And we love launching B2C products and scaling sales in the first years of business existence. So we actually do, currently in Sydney, NSW, Australia. If we’re not yet acquainted with each other, we are always glad to meet ambitious people, so please do not hesitate and reach us through my Instagram.

Quotation box photo.

Jennifer Williams


Director of Sales

Jennifer Williams

Director of Sales

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila! Proin venenatis non metus a vestibulum.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila! Proin venenatis non metus a vestibulum. Aenean gravida sed nibh a mollis.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila! Proin venenatis non metus a vestibulum. Aenean gravida sed nibh a mollis. Praesent sollicitudin convallis quam, in convallis nisi porta gravida. Cras pharetra magna nunc, sodales fermentum ipsum dapibus aliquet. In at sapien quis velit fringilla malesuada.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. Vivamus eu dignissim justo. Vestibulum congue nunc id libero euismod consequat. Mauris augue sem, molestie nec lectus in, venenatis convallis est. Fusce nibh eros, commodo quis ex eu, imperdiet venenatis leo. Fusce sollicitudin libero gravida sapien hendrerit.

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