Digital Strategy

Ideal Customer Profile

May 17, 2024

So. You haven't ICP or created and forgot about it.

Let's break down how much money you might be losing. Each marketing effort that misses its intended audience, because it's not targeted, is a huge probability of losing money. Because you're shooting blind is basically money down the drain.

Photo of a meditative woman.
How does your ideal customer buy?

And on that point, I usually hear from clients two things. What exactly do I mean when I say Ideal Customer Profile (read What is Ideal Customer Profile or Buying Persona?) And how do I choose criteria for your Ideal Customer Profile, because there are hundreds of options? 

Alright, imagine you throw a huge, epic party but you send out your invites randomly. You end up with a bunch of people who don't jive with your music, hate your choice of snacks, and just stand around awkwardly. That's what happens when you don't have an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) or if you create one and then ignore it.

Without an ICP, your business is kind of stumbling around in the dark. You're spending money and effort marketing your products to everyone, even to people who could not care less about what you’re selling. It’s like trying to sell a skateboard to someone who only wants a bicycle. Not only is it a waste of time and super frustrating, but it also burns through cash that could be spent more wisely.

Now, let's say you do spend time crafting this awesome ICP, understanding exactly who would love your product, but then you just shove it in a drawer and forget about it. That’s just as bad. You’ve got the map to the treasure but refuse to follow it. So, what's the point? You'll likely keep veering off course, and your sales efforts will be as effective as shooting hoops in the dark.

So, having and using an ICP helps you aim your business efforts like a laser. 

Here are 50 criteria you might consider when developing your ICP:

Quotation box photo.
"Nulla facilisi donec nondignissim velit sedet ante lorem utleonis molestie quis vivera ditae iaculiseu nisi curabitur utdiam non dui finibus pulvinar in facilisis magna donec ultricies quiseros quis ulamcorper."


  1. Gender
  2. Location (Country/Region/City)
  3. Income level
  4. Education level
  5. Marital status
  6. Occupation
  7. Industry
  8. Company size
  9. Job title
  10. Job function
  11. Years of experience
  12. Type of business
  13. Revenue of business
  14. Recent purchases
  15. Buying authority
  16. Buying frequency
  17. Preferred communication channel
  18. Language spoken
  19. Cultural background
  20. Hobbies
  21. Interests
  22. Lifestyle choices
  23. Personality traits
  24. Behavioral traits
  25. Values
  26. Beliefs
  27. Goals
  28. Challenges
  29. Pain points
  30. Fears
  31. Motivations
  32. Preferences
  33. Technology usage
  34. Social media activity
  35. Brand loyalty
  36. Product/service preferences
  37. Decision-making process
  38. Stage of life
  39. Health concerns
  40. Dietary preferences
  41. Fitness habits
  42. Transportation mode
  43. Leisure activities
  44. Media consumption
  45. News sources
  46. Attitudes toward spending
  47. Environmental consciousness
  48. Community involvement
  49. Political orientation

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